Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Atom 3D Printer
Atom 3D 印表機
Atom is the first Delta-type 3D printer in Asia. It also operates a 3D printer store, Atom Shop, in Taipei. The logo of Atom draws inspiration from its distinctive Delta triangular structure and circular glass print-bed, adopting industrial black and innovative yellow as the identity standard colours, resulting in the development of a high-quality professional identity system. Atom has overcome the shortcomings of previous 3D printers, such as poor precision and bulky appearance. It has successfully developed a 3D printer that can be considered on par with high-end appliances. In addition to multiple successful crowdfunding campaigns and pre-orders in Taiwan, Atom has also gained excellent feedback both domestically and internationally, leading trends in Japan and Western countries.
Atom(原子,被視為一切物質的基礎),亞洲首台 Delta 型 的 3D 印表機以此命名,並在臺北營運了首間 3D 列印材料店舖 Atom Shop。Atom 的 Logo 以其獨特的 Delta 三角結構與圓形玻璃底盤作為發想,並且以工業黑、創新黃作為企業標準色,發展出高品質的專業識別系統。 Atom 克服了以往 3D 列印精度不良、外型笨重⋯⋯等缺點,研發出堪稱工藝品等級的 3D 印表機,除了在臺灣有多次成功的集資案與預購外,也開始逆銷日本、歐美,在國內外皆獲得極好的迴響。

Creative Director Lawrence Lee, Coby Huang
Brand & Graphic Design Jian Xin Wang
Interior Design Coby Huang
Visual Merchandising Coby Huang, Jian Xin Wang
Product Design RD team of Atom
PhotographerStanley Chen