Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
CHOCOMESH - The Food Project
Atom, the 3D printer brand, participated in the exhibition "The Food Project" by Alice Wang, showcasing the art piece Chocomesh, a representation of the fusion between 3D printing technology and the emerging food trend of "Molecular Cuisine." Chocomesh revolutionises the food-making process, introducing innovative flavours to familiar dishes through 3D printing. The team goes beyond by crafting distinct tableware, offering the audience a unique dining experience. In today's context, food extends beyond mere sustenance; it plays a vital role in our lives. "The Food Project" explores a novel perspective on food, revealing an alternative aspect through a design lens. It stimulates the senses and challenges preconceived notions, presenting a fresh narrative on the role of food in our lives.
臺灣 3D 印表機品牌 Atom 以 Chocomesh 參加了由王艾莉所舉辦的 The Food Project 展覽。Chocomesh 是以 3D 列印技術與未來食物潮流「分子美食」結合所呈現出的實驗性作品。透過 3D 列印技術,Chocomesh 重新定義了製作食物的過程,將人們認知中的食物賦予創新的樣貌與味道。除了分子美食之外,團隊還印出不同的餐具,為觀展者提供嶄新的用餐體驗。 如今,食物在人們的生活中發揮著重要作用;然而,除了緩解我們的飢餓感,食物還能做些什麼呢? The Food Project 透過科技與設計的觀點來揭示食物的另一面,推翻大眾對於食物的感官與認知,也向世界展現了食物的新面貌。

Creative Director Lawrence Lee, Coby Huang
Photographer Stanley Chen
Graphic Design Jian Xin Wang
Visual Merchandising Stanley Chen
Brochure Design Jian Xin Wang
3D ModelingStanley Chen