Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Fong-ling Business Building
The Fong-ling Business Building, situated in Linkou District, New Taipei City, Taiwan, is a recently finished high-end business establishment, finalized in 2021. The building boasts a sleek grey-scale and minimalist design, strategically positioned in a prime area surrounded by metro stations, hospitals, cafes, post offices, hotels, and restaurants. The logo design draws inspiration from the building's exterior decoration, ensuring a seamless connection with the overall style. The logotype mirrors this aesthetic, facilitating swift recognition of the Fong-ling Business Building amidst the bustling landscape of Linkou City. Its dominant location and distinctive design contribute to its prominence in the urban panorama.
丰嶺商辦大樓位於台灣新北市林口區,是一座於 2021 年完工的高檔商業建築。這座建築以時尚的灰調和極簡主義的設計為特色,巧妙地位於一個優越區域,四周環繞著捷運站、醫院、咖啡廳、郵局、飯店和餐廳。其標誌設計汲取了建築外部裝飾的靈感,確保與整體風格無縫連接。標誌的設計反映了極簡美學,有助於在林口市繁華的景觀中快速識別丰嶺商辦大樓,其優秀位置和獨特設計使其在城市風景中顯著突出。

Creative Director Peter Liu
Project Manager Peter Liu
Branding Design Jian Xin Wang
Brochure Design Cindy Chen, Jian Xin Wang
Signage DesignCindy Chen, Jian Xin Wang