Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
As a design team in the “Materialise” art project, our goal was to explore the intersection of high technology and art through collaboration with Taiwanese visual artist Sydney Sie. In this experimental project, we tried to bridge the fields of engineering, design, and art. Our team worked closely with Sie to design, modify, and 3D-print the sculptures showcased in these vibrant photos. While the project showcased the capabilities of 3D printing technology, it also aimed to inspire the notion that the possibilities for creation are limitless with this innovative technology.
Atom 與新銳攝影師 Sydney Sie 合作的計劃「生活物質學」。 「生活物質學」的創作目標,除了跨越藝術與科技領域的思維,突破幻想的限制以實驗性的手法來呈現藝術創作;也想讓大眾了解 3D 列印的技術不再是冰冷且有距離感的專業,讓 3D 成為連結生活想像的媒介,成就藝術創作者腦中的美好畫面。

Creative Director Lawrence Lee, Coby Huang
Photographer Sydney Sie
Graphic Design Jian Xin Wang, Yun Zon Zen
Visual Merchandising Coby Huang, Jian Xin Wang
Brochure Design Jian Xin Wang
3D Modeling Coby Huang, Stanley Chen, Vara Yang
CopywriterLys Liang