Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Packaging Design of Super Double Accessories
To align with the image of Super Double as perceived by customers, I crafted a variety of labels and packaging designs for each product. The colour scheme for the packaging is a versatile combination of grey and black, suitable for various individuals and settings, maintaining consistency with the backpack itself. The packaging is designed for easy removal, ensuring a hassle-free unboxing experience. Additionally, it includes detailed instructions and well-organised illustrations, allowing customers to quickly and easily get started with their new products upon receipt. This meticulous approach to packaging enhances the overall user experience and reflects the dedication of Super Double to user-friendly design.
Super Double 以創新功能取向的快卡背包與配件建立了其獨特的設計風格,讓機能包也能有時尚、俐落的魅力。Super Double 的客群為年輕父母與上班族群,包裝設計從背包的顏色延伸,同樣以不干擾環境與衣著的黑灰白為主調;而包裝拆卸容易,上面備載詳細的使用圖文,讓客戶能夠輕易快速上手,開箱後即可享受快卡背包所帶來的新生活方式。

Creative Director Lawrence Lee, Shelly Kuo
Packaging & Graphic Design Jian Xin Wang
Product Design Lyan Huang, Shelly Kuo
Photographer Jian Xin Wang
Video & GifStanley Chen