Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Power Users Collection of Atom
Atom 3D 強力用戶精選集
The Power Users Collection is a booklet featuring numerous projects and masterpieces by Atom's professional users. Atom enjoys a diverse user base from various fields, including science, technology, architecture, design, art, and society. Users seamlessly integrate the Atom 3D printer into their work, showcasing its versatility. The cover features a dark grey tone with the printer subtly displayed, while the title pops in yellow, creating contrast to grab the reader's attention. Each page showcases beautifully captured photos of art pieces, products, and versatile activities. As you navigate the 84-page collection, you'll not only encounter a variety of 3D printing applications but also discover the myriad possibilities within this industry. Explore the creativity and innovation brought to life by Atom's power users.
《Power Users Collection》是一本小冊子,展示了 Atom 專業用戶的眾多項目和傑作。Atom 擁有來自科學、技術、建築、設計、藝術和社會等各個領域的多樣化用戶基礎。用戶無縫地將 Atom 3D 印表機融入他們的工作中,展示了其多功能性。 封面採用深灰色調,3D 印表機則被隱晦地展示,而標題以黃色彰顯,營造強烈對比,引起讀者注意。每一頁展示了藝術品、產品和各種多樣的活動的精美照片。在翻閱這本84頁的合集時,您不僅會遇到各種 3D 列印應用,還會發現這個行業內的無窮可能性。探索 Atom 的 Power Users 所帶來的創意和創新。

Creative Director Lawrence Lee, Coby Huang
Graphic & Book Design Jian Xin Wang
Photographer Jian Xin Wang