Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Super Double Official Site
Super Double 官方網站
Super Double's official website is designed to showcase the intersection of style and functionality with their meticulously crafted backpacks. Launched in 2018 by a team of industrial designers and fashion editors, Super Double is committed to crafting versatile products for everyday use. Through experiments on materials, compartments, capacity, and comfort, their backpacks cater to a diverse audience – from parents to office workers and athletes. The main image on the homepage is a trendy photograph featuring a spotlight on the innovative snap-case at the bottom. This unique element provides additional space for essentials like packaged foods, chargers, toiletries, and more. They have successfully raised 15 million Taiwanese dollars during a crowdfunding campaign. Experience the perfect blend of style and practicality, made possible by Super Double.
Super Double 官方網站的設計展示了他們精心設計的背包所呈現的時尚和獨特功能。Super Double 由一組工業設計師和時尚編輯於 2018 年創立,致力於打造適用於日常使用的多功能背包。通過對材料、隔層、容量和舒適度的實驗,他們的背包迎合了各種受眾,從父母到上班族和運動員皆適用。 首頁的主要圖片是一張時尚的照片,聚焦在底部的創新「快卡小包」上。這個獨特的元素提供了額外的空間,可存放必需品,如包裝食品、充電器、洗漱用品等。他們在一次眾籌活動中成功籌集了1500萬台幣。一起來感受 Super Double 時尚與實用的完美融合吧!

Creative Director Lawrence Lee, Shelly Kuo
Graphic Design Jian Xin Wang
Website Design Jian Xin Wang
Fronted Cindy Huang
Product Design Shelly Kuo, Coby Huang, Lyan Huang
Photographer Uliz Hung
Website URL