Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Hojja Packaging Design
Hojja is a luxury cat food brand that aims to offer a fine dining experience to feline companions, a concept that is relatively uncommon in Taiwan. To build the brand and provide a unique visual experience for potential customers, I referenced Western dining culture. My primary objective was to establish a premium image through the use of high-quality photographs, conveying feelings of trust. The brand's packaging was designed with black and bronze gold as the primary colours, with other vivid colours utilised for defining various flavours on the labels. The packaging features minimalistic design to maintain a cohesive aesthetic. If displayed in any shopping malls, this collection of products would offer a strong visual presentation.
Hojja 是一個追求為貓咪提供精緻用餐體驗的奢華貓糧品牌,這在臺灣相對罕見。為了建立品牌形象並為潛在客戶提供獨特的視覺體驗,我參考了西方的餐飲文化。 我的主要目標是通過高雅、經典的照片建立一個高級形象,傳達信任的感覺。品牌的包裝以黑色和銅金作為主要顏色,標籤上使用其他鮮豔的顏色來定義各種口味。包裝採用極簡主義設計,以保持一致的美學。如果在任何購物中心展示這個產品系列,將呈現強烈的視覺效果。

Creative Director Coby Huang, Jian Xin Wang
Branding Coby Huang, Jian Xin Wang
Packaging Design Jian Xin Wang
Photograph Stanley Chen