Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Hojja Branding Photography
We were tasked with planning a luxury photography for the branding and marketing of "Hojja," a high-end cat food brand that aims to provide a fine dining experience for feline companions. Their strategic plan includes expanding their business operations into the East Asian region starting in 2023. (In the Taiwanese language, "Hojja" means "delicious," reflecting the brand's commitment to exquisite meals for cats.) The photography was designed to evoke a sense of trust, delicacy, and enjoyment among potential customers. We aimed to create a powerful and memorable impression that resonates with the target audience's desires for their furry babies.
我們此次負責策劃高檔與奢華的攝影風格,用於奢華貓糧品牌 Hojja 賀家的品牌和行銷,旨在為貓咪提供精緻的用餐體驗。賀家的商業計劃包括從 2023 年開始將業務擴展到東亞地區。在臺語中,Hojja (好食)意味著「美味」,展現了品牌對貓咪精緻美食的承諾。 此攝影計畫的設計目標在於喚起潛在客戶對信任、精緻和享受的感覺。我們的目標是創造一個強而有力的印象,並讓目標受眾對他們毛孩的渴望產生共鳴。


Art Director Coby Huang, Jian Xin Wang
Branding Coby Huang, Jian Xin Wang
Packaging Design Jian Xin Wang
Set Design Coby Huang, Jian Xin Wang
Photographer Stanley Chen
Retouching Jian Xin Wang
Cat Model Pineapple ( 菠蘿 )
Pet Model Agency LIU photo studio
On-Set Animal Handler LIU photo studio
Photography PropsPhoto-props Taichung