Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Hojja Cat-litter Packaging Design
Building on the success of their fine dining cat food series, Hojja launched their first cat litter collection in 2023. To maintain a cohesive image for this luxury brand, black and bronze gold are again selected as the primary colours. Departing from the real cat photos commonly used in previous campaigns, I created a simple illustration of a cat sitting and waiting for fresh, new cat litter to be refilled. The design is intentionally clean and minimalistic, accommodating the uneven surface caused by the cat litter and the vacuum packaging. Additionally, a small window in the bottom-right corner allows customers to easily distinguish the texture of the product.
延續其「貓咪的米其林」系列的成功,賀家(Hojja)於 2023 年推出了首個貓砂系列。為了保持這個奢侈品牌的一致形象,再次選用了純粹的黑色與銅金作為主色調。然而,不同於以往宣傳廣告以及包裝上常用的布偶貓形象照片,這次我創作了一個簡約的插圖,描繪了一隻貓咪坐著等待主人補充新鮮貓砂的畫面。包裝的視覺設計特意保持乾淨簡約,以適應貓砂和真空包裝帶來的不平整表面。此外,我在右下角設計了一個小窗口,方便顧客輕鬆辨別產品的質地。

Creative Director Coby Huang, Jian Xin Wang
Branding Coby Huang, Jian Xin Wang
Packaging Design Jian Xin Wang
Photographer 張碞, 李玉銓
Set Design Coby Huang, Jian Xin Wang, 張碞, 李玉銓
RetouchingJian Xin Wang, 李玉銓