Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Francine Chicard Essential Oil Collection
Francine Chicard was established in 2000 as a brand hailing from Macau with a dedicated focus on aromatherapy. The brand imports high-quality essential oils from various countries and utilizes them to create a range of aromatic and essential oil products, enriching the lives and minds of its customers. The pattern designs within this essential oil collection incorporate hand-painted representations of leaves, trees, flowers, fruits, seeds, and palms. The color palette predominantly features muted tones, with packaging adorned in colors inspired by each plant ingredient. This thoughtful design approach allows customers to experience a harmonious blend of aroma and tranquility, benefiting their bodies, hearts, and souls through this collection.
芳香世家® FRANCINE CHICARD 成立於 2000 年,專注於芳療的中國澳門品牌,採購全球優質精油,開發高品質與純淨的香薰、精油產品,堅持「讓香氣洗滌心靈、用芳香提升生活」宗旨來做產品。 單方精油包裝系列由葉子、樹木、花卉、果實(種籽)和手掌的手繪剪影,以大地色為標準色、主成份植物為輔助色, 呈現出植物與身、心、靈調和之感受。

Creative Director Peter Liu
Project Manager Peter Liu
Packaging & Graphic Design Jian Xin Wang
Photography Director Jian Xin Wang
Client Francine Chicard
LocationMacau and China