Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Packaging Design of Atom FX
Atom 3D 印表機整機包裝
When I worked on the packaging design of Atom's first fully assembled 3D printer, the 2.5 FX, my primary objective was to strike a balance between safety, accessibility, and appearance. This product differed from the previous DIY kit series, and thus required a unique packaging approach. To achieve this, I designed three hexagon-shaped boxes that were labelled in a specific order. Each box contained different parts and tools that were ready to use. I ensured that every part of the package was accurately measured for its intended purpose to maintain the stability and firmness of the structure. Through meticulous design, I aimed to guarantee the safe delivery of the 3D printer to customers.
在我參與 Atom 的首個完全組裝出貨的 3D 印表機—— 2.5 FX 的包裝設計時,我的主要目標是在安全性、易取性和外觀之間取得平衡。這個產品不同於之前的 DIY 套件系列,因此需要一種獨特的全體包裝方式。為了實現這一目標,我設計了三個呈六邊形的盒子,並按照開箱時的特定順序標記。每個盒子包含了不同的零件和工具,都是隨時備好可用的。我確保包裝的每一部分都根據其預期用途準確測量,以保持結構的穩定性和牢固性。通過精心的設計,我旨在確保此款 3D 印表機能夠安全地運送到客戶手中。

Creative Director Lawrence Lee, Coby Huang
Packaging & Graphic Design Jian Xin Wang
Product Design RD team of Atom
Photographer Stanley Chen
Print & Production緯創資通 , 越歆企業社