Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Atom Nameplate
Atom 超級用戶紀念銘版
The Atom nameplate serves as a special token of appreciation for the power users of the Atom 3D printer and the top 100 backers who participated in the crowdfunding campaign. Each nameplate is uniquely engraved with the full name of the backer or user, adding a personalized touch to this exclusive gift. The packaging itself features a captivating graphic formed with a geometric pattern, utilizing the "Risograph print technique" for a distinctive visual appeal. Atom, through this initiative, aims to convey the overarching concept of "In Support of Creativity." This means they are dedicated to endorsing and nurturing all forms of creativity emanating from their users, reinforcing a strong connection between the brand and the creative endeavours of its community.
Atom 為集資活動前 100 名與 Power User 推出的紀念銘版,紀念銘版將人名以雷射雕刻的方式記在黃銅片上,包裝上的圖樣則以幾何構成並以 Risograph 的方式印刷,呈現出對於客戶的重視,銘版輝映著企業理念「In Support of Creativity」,意味著 Atom 的成就在於默默支持著客戶在專業領域發揮創意與理念。

Creative Director Lawrence Lee, Coby Huang
Graphic Design Jian Xin Wang
Photographer Jian Xin Wang