Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Super Double
Super Double 快卡背包
Super Double, a team comprising stylish industrial designers and fashion editors, introduced their first functional backpack in 2018. The team is dedicated to creating products that are ideal for everyday use, and they have conducted numerous experiments and tests on materials, compartments, capacity, and comfort. The Super Double backpack caters to a diverse range of individuals, from parents and office workers to athletes, and it successfully raised 15 million NTD during a crowdfunding campaign. Every feature of the backpack is designed with a specific purpose in mind. The standout element is the snap-case at the bottom, which provides additional capacity for packing simple items such as packaged foods, portable chargers, and toiletries. Customers can easily remove and reattach the snap-case using a set of magnetic buckles.
由產品設計師與前時尚編輯組成團隊共同打造的 Super Double,於 2018 年推出了「快卡背包」,以「單手一秒取用」為主打,從育兒父母族群間爆紅,一路擴散到通勤族、設計師、運動愛好者……等各種族群,在群眾募資達到台幣 1,500 萬佳績。 Super Double 團隊在材質、夾層、收納與重量做了很多試驗與研究,不只滿足了父母,也同時滿足每一個背包使用者需求,甚至超出人們原本對於背包的期待,讓快卡背包成為滿足大多數使用者的成功商品。

Creative Director Lawrence Lee, Shelly Kuo
Brand & Graphic Design Jian Xin Wang
Product Design Shelly Kuo, Coby Huang, Lyan Huang
PhotographerUliz Hung