Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
The Year of the Rabbit 2023
The Lunar New Year is a cherished cultural tradition in Taiwan, signifying one of the most significant festivals celebrated each year. In 2023, the Chinese zodiac sign is the rabbit, coinciding with a global reopening and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. This design embodies a festive greeting card, offering a chance to convey affection and well-wishes. The lively rabbit image brings a sense of vitality and dynamism into our lives throughout the year. May this card serve as a means of communication to share joy and kindness, and may we all embrace a future filled with positivity and happiness.
農曆新年在臺灣是一項珍貴的文化傳統,象徵著每年慶祝的最重要節日之一。在 2023 年,生肖代表是兔子,與全球從 COVID-19 大流行中重新開放和復甦的時刻相吻合。這個設計體現了一張節慶賀卡,提供了一個表達深情祝福的機會。生動的兔子圖像為我們的生活注入了活力和動感,伴隨著整個年度。願這張卡片成為交流的媒介,分享快樂和善意,讓我們共同迎接充滿正能量和幸福的未來。

Art Director Jian Xin Wang
Graphic DesignJian Xin Wang