Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Providing well-balanced design solutions / Blending visual art and commerce for you
Harenohi Wedding-pastry Packaging
Harenohi ハレノヒ 喜餅禮盒
The luxury wedding-pastry producer, "Harenohi ( 晴れの日 )," meaning a finely-sunny day, focuses on its exquisite desserts that from a collaboration between Japan and Taiwan. With the objective of sharing the joy of weddings, Harenohi offers an array of European-style pastries packaged within an elaborately designed wedding cake box. Recognising the significance of weddings in the lives of both the bride and groom, the packaging design was meticulously designed to evoke a sense of happiness and elegance through a shining printing texture. Drawing inspiration from the sunrise, a symbol of new beginnings, all elements within the packaging, including the patterns and logo, completely reflect the brand name, creating a cohesive visual identity.
豪華婚禮糕點製造商「Harenohi(晴れの日)」以其由日本和台灣合作製作的精緻甜點為特色,其名稱意指美好的晴天。 為了分享婚禮的喜悅,Harenohi 提供一系列歐洲風格的糕點,並將它們精心包裝在一個設計精美的婚禮蛋糕盒中。婚禮對於新娘和新郎都是人生重要的美好時刻,包裝設計經過精心設計,透過閃亮的印刷紋理,讓人感受到幸福和優雅。從日出這個象徵新開始的符號中汲取靈感,包括圖案和標誌在內的包裝中的所有元素都完全體現了品牌名稱,形成了一個統一的視覺識別。

Creative Director Jacky Hou
Branding Albee Wang, Jian Xin Wang
Packaging Design Jian Xin Wang
Photographer J68 Studio
Printing Service Ice Print ( 艾斯印刷 )
Printing Paper SuppliersDaya Paper ( 大亞紙業 )